PFClean Documentation Standards  

Conversion Parameter


The default, with Pass Through selected, will not modify the clip's resolution, pixel aspect ratio or frame rate. Selecting a different standard from the pull-down converts the incoming standard into the selected standard.

Fields may be set to "Progressive" or "Fields" and field dominance defined as upper or lower first for exported files.

If the clip has been de-interlaced with the "Fields, Upper first" or "Fields, Lower first" options, then selecting "Progressive" will result in the two fields being blended at 50% transparency on output.

Selecting "Fields" with the opposite field order to that specified for the clip will result in inverted field dominance on output.

The processing quality settings are used whenever any retiming or scaling operation is used.

The "Aspect" controls allow you to define how the incoming standard scales into the output standard.

A standard can be renamed by double clicking on its name.

Multiple output standards can be created by pressing the "+" button. Output standards can be scrolled through using the up/down cursor key and mouse wheel. The currently selected output standard is shown in the Cinema. A standard can be deleted by pressing the trash can icon twice. Each output is presented as a different connector in the Workflow Manager. Hover the mouse over the connector to show the name of that output as a tooltip.

Conversion presets

The current conversion parameters can be stored as a preset, to be reused in other Standards conversion nodes in the same project. To create a preset from the current parameters, click the Store button in the Presets panel.


To replace the current parameters with a preset, select that preset and click Use