New Features!

Leverage Up-Stream Geometry: The Survey Solver can seamlessly utilise geometry from up-stream nodes like Photo Mesh or Geometry Track to create survey coordinates, enhancing your workflow.

Enhanced Survey Solver Experience: Our improved Survey Solver user interface and interaction tools make utilising geometry for survey coordinates a breeze.

Texture Map Import for OBJ Geometry: We’ve introduced support for importing texture maps for OBJ geometry meshes, providing valuable assistance with Survey Solver’s geometry tools.

Precision Camera Position Estimates: Improved camera position estimates within the Survey Solver when employing ‘Small translation’ or ‘Off-centre’ as the camera translation hint.

Plus, there are many more bug fixes and improvements. The complete change log is available in the application at startup.

Download the latest version;

Enterprise customers can download this latest update from the PFAccount portal.

Personal Subscription users can grab the latest version here.